8th Anniversary of AIAARG:
Art of the AIs, By the AIs, For the Art's Sake


Dear All,

This is Hideki Nakazawa and Mika Kusakari from the Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Research Group (AIAARG). We are reaching out to you as someone we've exchanged business cards with or met in the past.

Today marks the 8th anniversary of AIAARG, which was launched on May 1, 2016, with 29 founding members based on the “Manifest of Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics.” Since then, we've navigated from the 3rd AI boom of deep learning, through the COVID-19 pandemic, to the current 4th boom of generative AI. We've held 48 public AI Art & Aesthetics Research Meetings, organized major exhibitions (“Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Exhibition” at OIST, Nakagawa Village, and Parthenon Tama), and established the NPO AI Patronage Group.

Furthermore, we are delighted to announce that the prestigious British publisher Routledge has published “Beauty and Monstrosity in Art and Culture,” which includes our contribution “Art of the AIs, By the AIs, For the Art's Sake.” The book is available in both print and eBook formats. We encourage you to consider purchasing it at the following link:

Note: We use the phrase “Art of the AIs, By the AIs, For the Art's Sake,” rather than “Art of the AIs, By the AIs, For the AIs' Sake,” because our focus lies in “Art for Art's Sake,” not “Art for Life's Sake.”

For more about our journey up until last year, our contribution “The Past and Future of the Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Research Group” is featured in the Journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers of Japan, Volume 77, No. 5 (September 2023 issue).

We appreciate your continued support.


May 1, 2024
Hideki Nakazawa, artist
Mika Kusakari, artist
Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Research Group (AIAARG)

Beauty and Monstrosity in Art and Culture AIAARG

2024-05-01 Multiposted the above English email to English speakers. Multiposted Japanese email to Japanese speakers.