Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Research Group (AIAARG)

日本語 / English

Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Exhibition - Archive Collection

  • [Summary]
    • “Will AI develop its own sense of aesthetics?” was the theme of “Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Exhibition,” held at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) in 2017-18. It was the world's first large-scale comprehensive AI-Art exhibition based on aesthetics. This book longs for and aims at “Machine Aesthetics / Machine Art,” with its rich content including the latest knowledge up to 2019, with its novel consideration that goes beyond mere collection of records.
  • [Basic Information]
    • Edited, written and published by Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Research Group
      English-Japanese bilingual / 364x257mm (Large sized book) / 176 pages / Many color plates
      Published on December 15th, 2019
      ISBN: ISBN978-4-9902903-7-5
  • [Overview]
    • Will artificial intelligence encroach into the field of art creation?
      Will there be a future where aesthetic sensitivity starts to develop in artificial intelligence and starts to create art by itself?

      “Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Exhibition” is the name of the exhibition organized by the Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Research Group (AIAARG) and the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST), and was held at OIST for 67 days from November 3rd 2017 to January 8th 2018 in collaboration with Goethe-Institut Tokyo. This exhibition was a comprehensive art exhibition on the theme of artificial intelligence (AI), and was the world's first large-scale exhibition including exhibitions of 34 items of artworks, 4 music concerts and 8 research symposiums with emphasis on aesthetic perspectives. This book is a bilingual Japanese and English exhibition record edited in 2019 by AIAARG, which was founded in 2016.

      The aim of the exhibition was as described in the first three lines and the following text and are reprinted here.
      “In March 2016, the world's top chess player who stated that the game of Go is an art was defeated by artificial intelligence. The first question, which would have only been ridiculous in the past, can no longer be said to be lacking realism now that deep learning methods are developing at a dramatic speed. However, most of what is now considered to be “art created by artificial intelligence” are only works created by human beings using artificial intelligence as a tool. But let me say the opposite. This may still be in the distant future, but we should brace ourselves for the time when artificial intelligence will actually start to appreciate aesthetics and create art works. This is because questions of what is intelligence and what constitutes art, aesthetics and human dignity have to be reconsidered from the ground up by virtue of artificial intelligence.
      This exhibition provides a glimpse of the current state of art on the theme of artificial intelligence by artists and researchers at home and abroad as a manifestation of such awareness as of 2017. Focusing on visual arts, this exhibition includes music, literature, conceptual art and research presentations that question a wide range of intelligence.”
      As we edit this book as of 2019, our basic stance as AIAARG regarding artificial intelligence still stands. But more than this, it should be mentioned that this exhibition has been developed and enhanced further, and refined through activities such as holding this exhibition and holding research meetings afterwards. More details on these subject matters can be found by directly referring to the contents of this book which takes into account our perspectives on these matters as of 2019 while retaining the format of an exhibition record.

      The structure of this book is comprised largely of chapters on “Art/Exhibition,” “Music/Concert,” “Research/Symposium” and a chapter on “Media” afterwards where texts and articles related to the exhibition with translations were reprinted. This includes four articles from the special issue “AI, Art and Aesthetics” in the November 2018 issue of the Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, (Vol. 33 No. 6) which was edited by Koichi Takahashi, the editor-in-chief of the journal, and our group, AIAARG.
      Moreover, with integrity as one of the features of this exhibition, there were many cases where the same person exhibited as an artist and participated in a symposium as a researcher. The links between the pages are described in the text, and are also stated on the lower right and lower left pagination side of the pages. In addition, videos of exhibits, concerts and symposiums taken during the exhibition are available on the internet, and direct and indirect links to those sites are provided by QR codes in this book. By holding your mobile phone over this book, you can access the actual scenes of the exhibition, sense the liveliness of the concerts and feel the excitement from the debates at the symposium as if you are being transported to those venues.
      In compiling this exhibition record, we received new contributions or agreements to excerpting from lecture summaries from composers and researchers who participated in this exhibition, to which we would like to express our gratitude.
  • [Contents]
    • Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Exhibition - Archive Collection ... 002-003

    • *ART ... 007
      ART/EXHIBITION “Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Exhibition” ... 008-009
      01 (III) Mike Tyka ‘Die Ankunft’ ‘Neighborhoods’ ‘Redshift’ ‘Surrender’ ... 010-011
      02 (III) Satoshi Kurihara ‘Traffic Signal Control by DQN’ ‘Multi Layered Emergent Architecture’ ... 012-013
      03 (III) Tatsuo Unemi ‘Selections #1 by the computer from the collection of computer-created evolutionary abstract movies’ ... 014-015
      04 (IV) Hanna Saito ‘Non-Retina Kinematograph’ ... 016-017
      05 (II) Shohei Matsukawa + archiroid ‘Topological Grid’ ... 018-019
      06 (II) Masahiro Miwa + Noriaki Ogasawara ‘Matarisama Dolls for Only Two’ ... 020-021
      07 (III) Yang02 ‘About a Theory of Graffiti’ ... 022-023
      08 (IV) Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Research Group ‘Manifesto of Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics’ ... 024-025
      09 (IV) Hideki Nakazawa Literature Studies ‘Chronological Table of Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics’
      10 (IV) Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Research Group ‘Record of the 1st-8th AI Art & Aesthetics Research Meetings’ ... 026-027
      11 (II) Bryan Wai-ching Chung ‘50 . Shades of Grey’ ... 028-029
      12 (II) UCNV ‘Datapoem’ ‘Turpentine’ ... 030-031
      13 (II) Conlon Nancarrow ‘Studies for Player Piano’ ... 032-033
      14 (II) Masaru Kaido ‘Art Android Challanges Waterfall Training’ ... 034-035
      15 (II) Hideki Nakazawa ‘Go Stone Arrangement Painting No. 1: 35 by 35’ ‘No. 2’ ‘No. 3’ ... 036-037
      16 (II) Mika Kusakari ‘Uneven Painting #51 “Statement”’ ‘#50’ ‘#46’ ... 038-039
      17 (III) Elena Knox ‘Canny’ ‘Occupation’ ... 040-041
      18 (III) Hitachi, Ltd. Research & Development Group ‘System Intellectualization by AI: Swing Demonstration Video’ ... 042-043
      19 (IV) Michael Spranger ‘Language Games’ ... 044-045
      20 (IV) Kenji Doya and the Smartphone Robot Development Team ‘Can Robots Find Their Own Goals?’ ... 046-047
      21 (III) Sato-Matsuzaki Lab., Nagoya University - Kimagure AI project - I am a writer ‘The Day Computers Write Novels’ ‘My Job’ ... 048-049
      22 (IV) Yutaka Matsuzawa ‘Quantum Art Manifesto’ ‘Expedient 9’ ‘Title Unknown’ ... 050-051
      23 (I) Minoru Tsukada ‘Turbulence Life Of Pomegranate’ ... 052-053
      24 (II) Shogo Baba ‘Logic Circuits by 2-input NAND Gates’ ... 054-055
      25 (IV) Ai (chimpanzee) ‘Untitled,’ Kanzi (bonobo) ‘Untitled,’ Chloe (chimpanzee) ‘Untitled,’ Pal (chimpanzee) ‘Untitled,’ Pan (chimpanzee) ‘Untitled,’ Popo (chimpanzee) ‘Untitled’ ... 056-057
      26 (II) Moriya Kishaba ‘Untitled’ ... 058-059
      27 (II) Yasuko Toyoshima ‘Spirograph’ ... 060-061
      28 (IV) Hiroshi Kawano ‘Red Tree’ ‘Title Unknown’ ... 062-063
      29 (II) Takahiro Hirama ‘Distance to a Target Object’ ... 064-065
      30 (II) Seiichi Niikuni ‘Transmission 9’ ‘Kan’ ‘river or sand-back’ ‘darkness’ ‘phantom’ ‘anti-war’ ‘elegy’ ‘go on and off’ ‘loneliness’ ‘mercilessness’ ... 066-067
      31 (II) Seiichiro Tsuchida ‘Letter’ ... 068-069
      32 (II) Motoaki Shinohara ‘The Book of Waterfalls’ ... 070-071
      33 (IV) Jun Tani + Rodrigo da Silva Guerra ‘Dimitri’ ... 072-073
      34 (III) Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Research Group ‘Deep Rembrandt Dream 1’ ... 074-075

    • *MUSIC ... 077
      MUSIC/CONCERT “Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Concert” ... 078-079
      Masahiro Miwa “‘Poetry’ in Formal Language” ... 080-081
      Kiyoshi Furukawa “Report on the Machine Aesthetics Music Concert” ... 082-083
      “Umwelt Music by Hirokazu Hiraishi” ... 084-085
      Tsubasa Tanaka “Toward a Non-Task-Specific AI for Music Generation: Modelizations of Listener's Phenomenological Attitudes and Composer's Consciousness” ... 086-087
      Yoko Sugiura-Nancarrow “Remembering Conlon Nancarrow” ... 088-089
      Tomomi Adachi “Improvising Artificial Intelligence” ... 090-091

    • *RESEARCH ... 093
      RESEARCH/SYMPOSIUM “Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Symposium” ... 094-095
      Tatsuo Unemi “Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, for the Computer by the Computer - toward the Evolutionary Art Theory” ... 096-097
      Mike Tyka “Neural Networks: New Opportunities for Art” ... 098-099
      Minoru Tsukada “Brain, Artificial Intelligence and Human Art” ... 100-101
      Naoyuki Sato “Neural Mechanism of Context-related Memory Generating ‘Meaning’” ... 102-103
      Michael Spranger “Autonomous Meaning Creation. Can Robots Create Their Own Language?” ... 104-105
      Hitoshi Matsubara “What is ‘Meaning’ for Computers?” ... 106-107
      Koichi Takahashi “How We Shall Reinvent Ourselves” ... 108-109
      Hideki Nakazawa “The Road to the Realization of ‘Machine Aesthetics / Machine Art’” ... 110-111
      Rolf Pfeifer “Living with Robots - Coping with the ‘Robot/AI Hype’” ... 112-113
      Hiroyuki Okada “Disembodied Cognition As a New Concept of Intelligence from a Viewpoint of ‘Projection Science’” ... 114-115
      Satoshi Kurihara “Influence Happen to R&D of AI Through Western or Oriental Perspective “” ... 116-117
      Kenji Doya “What Will Adaptive Autonomous Robots Dream Of?” ... 118-119
      Takashi Ikegami “How Will the Way of Thinking About Humanity Change Based on the Massive Flow of AI and ALIFE?” ... 120-121
      Ryota Kanai “Conscious AI, General AI, and Living AI” ... 122-123
      Toshiyuki Nakagaki “Imagining the Interface Between Behavior and Intelligence in Slime Mold of Single Celled Organism” ... 124-125
      Fuminori Akiba “The Role of Aesthetics and the Question of Art: What are the aesthetics of artificial intelligence, and why do we discuss the future product of artificial intelligence within the realm of art?” ... 126-127
      Akihiro Kubota “A New Kind of Aesthetics That Can Be Shared with AI” ... 128-129
      Elena Knox “Alter versus Deep Belief: Omikuji” ... 130-131
      Jun Tani “Understanding of Consciousness and Free Will by Synthesis: From Cognitive Neurorobotics Experimental Study” ... 132-133
      Aya Saito “Looking for the Origin of the Motivation for Painting” ... 134-135
      Nobumasa Kushino “Something Strange but Irresistibly Attractive” ... 136-137
      Masami Fujii “Can AI Implement Death Drive?” ... 138-139

    • *MEDIA ... 140
      Koichi Takahashi, Mika Kusakari, Hideki Nakazawa “Editor's Introduction to ‘AI, Art and Aesthetics’” ... 140-141
      Fuminori Akiba “Significance of ‘Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Exhibition’” ... 142-149
      Mika Kusakari “Comment on the Cover: Deep Rembrandt Dream 2” ... 150-151
      Sophie Protheroe “Putting the Art in Artificial Intelligence” ... 152-153
      Hideki Nakazawa “Waiting For the Robot Rembrandt: What needs to happen for artificial intelligence to make fine art.” ... 154-156
      Photo Album of the AI Art & Aesthetics Research Meeting Symposia ... 157
      Hideki Nakazawa / Mika Kusakari “Talk on ‘Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Exhibition’” ... 158-171
      Column by Kenji Doya “Looking Back at Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Exhibition in OIST” ... 171
      Chronology of AIAARG ... 172-173
      Media Appearances of AIAARG ... 174
  • - Book “Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Exhibition” Archive Collection (Read it now!) Mar. 21, 2020. (Announcement) [J]
  • - “Will AI Develop Its Own Sense of Aesthetics?” From Author and Editor to Reader Apr. 24, 2020. (Weekly Dokushojin) [J]
  • - “Consider Art and Science Now.” Book Review / Tetsuya Miyata Jul. 18, 2020. (Tosho Shimbun) [J]
  • - [Now on Sale in the US!] Book on “AI Art & Aesthetics Exhibition” by AIAARG Aug. 20, 2020. (Announcement) [E&J]
  • - Yumiko Haruki, whose name appears in the acknowledgement for her cooperation with the editing of this book at the first, passed away in August 2020. We sincerely pray for the repose of her soul. (Contribution) [J]
  • - Book "AI Art & Aesthetics Exhibition" on sale in Europe, "S/N," Art of the Heisei Period Dec. 1, 2020. (Announcement) [E&J]
  • - NOTE on April 18, 2024: Out of stock on Amazon Europe. It is available from Amazon Japan or Amazon USA (AIAARG ships directly to Amazon Japan).